Scheepjes Shimmerland Bookazine // Issue 1

Scheepjes Shimmerland Bookazine

Shimmerland is a place where crafters can embark on a journey of discovery, exploring alter egos and the boundless potential within crafting practices. It invites readers to venture into a domain where their creations can morph into anything their hearts desire. Embrace the wonder and potential within your own creative landscapes and craft something spectacular!

Throughout the lookbook, 18 diverse knitting and crochet projects are organised into four fabulous chapters: Fantasy, Alter Ego, Dreamscape and Masquerade. Fascinating articles reflecting the theme showcase different facets of embroidery and feature visionary artists from different cultures.

*This item is only available as part of a promotion and when you purchase a subscription to Inside Crochet.


  • Was
    Issue 1
    Publication Date: 01 January 2025


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